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Congratulation !! Hettich 廣角鉸鍊 贏得 德國紅點產品設計獎!!
Hettich wins one more Red Dot Award for Sensys wide angle hinge
Hettich Australia announces that the Sensys wide angle hinge has won the Product Design 2014 Red Dot Award. Just like the Sensys profile door hinge, the Sensys wide angle hinge has also won the iF Product Design Award 2014.
Sensys wide angle hinges (Hettich 165度鉸鍊)
The Sensys wide angle hinge gives furniture doors a wide opening angle and closes them evenly and gently. The invisibly integrated Silent System offers excellent performance with an exceptionally wide self-closing angle of 35°, functioning over a temperature range of +5°C to +40°C, and providing maximum access from a 165° opening angle. Zero protrusion permits the use of internal drawers without spacer profiles.